Product and Ordering Information
Cerampak is a densely compacted ceramic insulated metal sheathed thermocouple material manufactured to exacting standards to assure unquestioned quality. These standards coupled with the latest fabrication techniques and equipment assure the customer of thermocouples of the highest quality. The versatility of this material is virtually unlimited – temperatures from cryogenic to 2300° F – pressures from vacuum to 60,000 psi.
The sheath wall thickness, diameter and installation directly determines the time response of the sensor. Proper selection of sheath material to withstand the temperature and other process governmental perimeters is imperative to provide maximum life of the sensor.
Cerampak is weldable, flexible – can be bent on a radius 2 times its diameter – and moisture free when fabricated.
Selection of various order code options from the tables on this and the following pages enables the customer to custom build a Cerampak assembly to satisfy his individual requirement.
Personnel to provide technical design assistance and application suggestions are available.
*Other materials for higher temperatures in special atmospheres are available.